
Design an Online Obituary & Funeral Notice

Use our obituary generator to create a tasteful obituary in just a few minutes. A modern and affordable alternative to a classic printed ad in the newspaper.

  • Fast, inexpensive, simple.

    Quickly provide the necessary information to mourners – worldwide. Just $19.00

  • Elegant and Personal

    Share the link to the funeral notice via Messenger, Email or Social Media.

  • Save time and money:

    Send our PDF to your newspaper as a template for printing.

  • Less Expensive Than a Newspaper Announcement

    The obituary stays online for 12 months.

Design an Obituary

Changes are immediately shown in the preview

1 Choose a Background

2 Image

or choose image

3 Design Options

Font Style

Border Style

4 Write obituary

You can just leave any unneeded fields empty

Example text
Example text
Example text
Example text
Example text

5 Last place of residence (optional)

Preview Obituary

Empty fields will be hidden in the next step
